Workshop on Regional Harmonization of Wind Loading and Wind Environmental Specifications in Asia-Pacific Economies

    APEC-WW8 is co-organized by University Malaysia Pahang and Chongqing University in collaboration with the Joint Usage Research Centre, Wind Engineering Research Center of Tokyo Polytechnic University.
APEC-WW8 is a Virtual Meeting on October 17-18, 2021.

The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC), through its Sub-Committee on Standard & Conformance (SCSC), has established a Technical Group (TG1) to facilitate coordinated input into the further development of international Standards. This had been done to give effect to an APEC policy on reducing non-tariff barriers to trade. A network of specialist from the building industry infrastructure of consultants, universities and research establishments has been created and supported by CRISO (the industrial research organization of the Australian government) to express regional interests and regional reviews on the internationalization of loading Standards, and APEC/SCSC has asked the Network to prepare inputs into the deliberations of TG1. For this purpose, international Workshops on Alignment with International Standards on Loadings and Structural Design, sponsored by the Australian Department of Industry Science and Tourism (DIST) & the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) and organized by the APEC Informal Network on International Loading Standards & CSIRO Building Construction and Engineering, was held many times from 1996-2002, to discuss load standard related issues including harmonization in performance-based structural design in countries surrounding the Pacific Ocean. The past 7 workshops were held successively in Melbourne, Australia (Nov. 1996); Tsukuba, Japan (Dec. 1997); Singapore(Jul. 1998); Shenzhen, China (Mar. 1999); Melbourne, Australia (Mar. 2000); Hanoi, Vietnam (Mar. 2001); and the last one in Bali, Indonesia (Mar. 2002).

The current Workshop on Regional Harmonization of Wind Loading and Wind Environmental Specifications in Asia-Pacific Economies (APEC-WW), initiated by the Wind Engineering Research Center, Tokyo Polytechnic University, through the 21st Century COE Program and the Global COE Program, is an extension of the above workshop, but with a focus on wind only. The Workshops provide a stimulating and constructive forum for researchers and engineers specializing in problems of wind loading and wind environment. The series of APEC-WW follow the spirit set in the 1st APEC-WW, which was held at Atsugi, Japan in 2004. The general purposes of APEC-WW are: 1) to harmonize structural loading standards/codes in the APEC area; and 2) to harmonize bylaws/specifications on wind environmental problems in the APEC area.

Seven APEC-WWs have been held since 2004: APEC-WW2004 in Atsugi-city, Japan; APEC-WW2005 in Hongkong, China; APEC-WW2006 in Roorkee, India; APEC-WW2007 in Shanghai, China; APEC-WW2009 in Taiwan; APEC-WW2010 in Gangneung, Korea; and APEC-WW2012 in Hanoi, Vietnam. At each APEC-WW, all the APEC-WW members are invited to report on their activities and results of Benchmark tests. Resolutions for the wind load group and the wind environment group are made individually after thorough face to face discussions on problems related to current wind standards/codes/bylaws/specifications. Specifically, each workshop is aimed: 1) to reach a common understanding of wind loading; 2) to exchange information on the current status of wind loading standards/codes and to improve individual standards; 3) to discuss bylaws/specifications for wind environmental assessment related to pedestrian level winds in an urban environment; and 4) to discuss bylaws/specifications for air quality outside and inside buildings.

APEC-WW Members
Australia (2004-)
Canada (2009-)
China (2004-)
HongKong (2004-)
India (2004-)
Japan (2004-)
Jordan (2004-)
Korea (2004-)
Macau (2009)
Malaysia (2004-)
Nepal (2009-)
New Zealand (2004-)
Philippines (2004-)
Singapore (2004-)
Sri Lanka (2009-)
Chinese Taipei (2004-)
Thailand (2004-)
USA (2006-)
Vietnam (2004-)
Downloads related to Benchmark test
From Prof. Edmond Choi: Terrain Paper;
From Prof. Yukio Tamura: AWAS08 Codification Paper Holmes et al; Full Paper APCWE7; Examples Modified
Environmental field: Appendix-1, Appendix-2, Appendix-3
Wind Load
Wind Environment
APEC-WW 2004
Atsugi, Japan
APEC-WW 2005
Hongkong, China
APEC-WW 2006
Roorkee, India
APEC-WW 2007
Shanghai, China
APEC-WW 2009
Chinese Taipei
APEC-WW 2010
Gangneung, Korea
APEC-WW 2012
Hanoi, Vietnam
Country Reports
Australia+New Zealand 2004a, 2004b 2005 2006 2007
2009a, 2009b 2010a, 2010b 2012a, 2012b, 2012c  
2009 2010 2012  
2004 2005 2006 2007
  2009 2010 2012  
2004 2005 2006 2007
  2009 2010 2012  
2004a, 2004b 2005 2006 2007
  2009 2010a, 2010b 2012a, 2012b  
2004 2005 2006 2007
  2009 2010 2012  
2004 2005 2006 2007
2004a, 2004b 2005 2006 2007
  2009a, 2009b 2010a, 2010b 2012a, 2012b  
2004 2005 2006 2007
  2009 2010 2012a, 2012b  
Macau, China 2009      
2004 2005 2006 2007
    2010a, 2010b 2012  
2009 2010a, 2010b 2012a, 2012b  
2004 2005 2006 2007
  2009 2010 2012  
2004 2005 2006 2007
  2009 2010    
Sri Lanka
2009 2010a, 2010b 2012  
Chinese Taipei
2004 2005 2006 2007
  2009 2010 2012  
2004 2005 2006 2007
  2009 2010 2012  
2006 2007
  2009 2010 2012

  Dr. Noram Irwan Ramli (
For AP Wind ENG Network:
  Dr. Shuyang Cao (